I must apologise to you all for vanishing. I must admit that it did cross my pretty mind to abandon my darling blog, stop procrastinating and stop Will whining at me about it but then I realised that it would be unlike an actress to suddenly abandon her adoring audience. So I came back~
Who missed me~? ...If you didn't I don't care I'm here anyway.
It is hard to believe that I have been talking to you all for an entire year now. I knew I had some wonderful fans but I didn't know you all would be so interesting to talk to. I usually find humans a little dull and short lived, but I guess I can make an exception for those who love me.
Well I suppose you all want to hear how everyone is. Will as always is his usual self. He's the only man I know that can go for centuries and change nothing about himself. Sadly that does make my man a little bit of a fuddy-duddy when it comes to gadgets. He still prefers his pet pigeon to a mobile phone. And before anyone asks about Ronnie I haven't seen him in two days. I think he has discovered video games again.
So what has changed with little old me~? Other than my ever expanding wardrobe and makeup collection there isn't that much. Alas I forgot to report the joy of Valentines Day on here. I will have to make that up to you all at some point. I now have a skull in my office. I learned the hard way that scraping out eyes and boiling bone is a little tricky, and messy. If you are ever to try it I recommend wearing gloves, it ruins your nails. I am yet to give him a name, any suggestions~? I thought Yorick would be too predictable.
And excuse my blog layout at the moment. I'm having a little spring clean~
oh my shinigami!! Your back!
ReplyDeleteI missed you Grell!
How was your Valentines day?
Pollard is a nice name for a skull.
What do you think?
Im glad your back dear Grelly!
signed RedKat
Aww!! You're back!!!! I'm so happy!! This just made my entire day - and yes i actually squealed! I missed you so much. And I actually love that layout - Why are you apologizing for it?
ReplyDeleteAnd on a side - note if you do ever really decide to abandon this blog, cause I kinda get hat you mean I have a huge overgrowing website and I swear there I days I want to send years of work to hell. Then at least finish it - like tell people that you're leaving, cause I always kinda keep thinking about these people who just vanish - it haunts me.
not trying to tell you what to do or anything - you're the goddess of Death you know best yourself-
Why are you naming a skull? Did I miss something important? It kinda sounds like something UNdertaker might do so you can ask him for name suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! this is so cool!
Anyways, Why don't you name your skull something catchy that flows nicely. How about Antonio? Antonio the skull, that flows nicely.
But if you really need a name for your skull ask Undertaker. We would be more than happy to give you a name for your dead head...