I may have been a little naughty when it came to my new year resolution to blog more. Sorry~ I'll try again. I think I need someone to constantly nag me to write this thing or I forget and I can have Will do it. He hates this thing. And as I type I keep getting distracted by cat videos. I am having a Sebby moment. I am usually more of a dog person myself but no one can say no to watching cute fluffy kittens doing cute fluffy things. ...I want a kitten now.
Well since my last little rant on here the weather has got a little better and I have learnt my lesson about wearing too much eye makeup to work. I'll just stick to my usual basics. I would list them but I've done that before. ...But any way, it has stopped raining, even if the wind is currently rattling the window pane behind me. It is a little frightening. I'll use it as an excuse to curl up on Will later.
Speaking of my darling Willy~ we had one of our rare trips to the cinema recently. Of course I was thrilled to go, it was a date after all, but Will always seems to be more interested in watching the movie than exploring my ideas about me, him, and what mischief we can get up to in the dark and in the back row of the theatre. He doesn't mind me pretending to stretch to wrap my arm around him though, even if it does get a bit uncomfortable due to his height.
The cinema always makes me a little nostalgic though. I love the new modern ones but I miss things that they have got rid of over the years. :
1) The name: I have been trying so hard not to write "pictures" instead of cinema throughout this entire blog.
2) Cartoons & The News: I miss seeing both in theatres. I know watching the news in the cinema sounds boring but we didn't have televisions then so it had to do. They really do need to start putting short cartoons before movies again.
I also remember when they used to list everyone who helped make the movie in the credits BEFORE the film rather than after. If any of you watch black and white films you will know what I mean. I don't miss the old credits I just find the difference astounding. ...And I think I should stop before I start talking about silent movies.