I am procrastinating instead of doing overtime. So hello~
I was feeling a little romantic and informative today so I thought I would educate you all on different kisses. (Because I found a list of them in between make up shopping and other work avoiding activities) I might even rate the ones I've tried.
Kiss Number 1: The French KissAwha~! My favourite~! Kisses with tongue can send such exquisite shudders down your spine and send you in a whirl of butterflies...but it can take a little work to get it perfect. Luckily this little gesture is fun to practice. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue so this lady is well rehearsed.
Kiss Number 2: The Butterfly Kiss(When you flutter your eyelashes against another person's or that special someone's cheek)
This one is a little pointless when you wear glasses.
Kiss Number 3: The Single-Lip Kiss(When you suck on your partner's lower lip)
This makes me tingle but French kisses are better and usually following it.
Kiss Number 4: The Spiderman
Kiss(Kissing while one of you hangs upside down)
I tried this once, Will wouldn't do it so he left me hanging upside down and all my blood rushed to my head and made me dizzy.
0/10 (Maybe more if I try again & get a proper kiss)
Kiss Number 5: The Earlobe Kiss(Kissing/Sucking your lover's earlobe)
This is perfection when you add a little playful nip~! It can even make Will's cheeks heat up~
Kiss Number 6: The Lip Gloss Kiss(Putting on lip gloss and intentionally transferring it onto your lover with your lips)
William would smack me for even thinking about doing that. I like my men makeup free but each to their own.
Kiss Number 7: The Eskimo Kiss(Rubbing your nose against your partner's nose)
Another one of my favourites~! Just the thought of being pressed closely to someone with only our noses touching! Awha~ So romantic~!
Kiss Number 8: The Cheek Kiss(Kissing someone's cheek. I feel a little silly even explaining this one)
Its cute but a little boring. Sweet kisses belong on the lips ...or other sensitive body parts.
Kiss Number 9: The Hickey(Not really a kiss but it is a bruise left behind when someone sucks on your skin, usually your neck)
I LOVE THESE! I like to think of them as little passion souvenirs. Alas I am forbidden to give them as my pearly whites make them a little messy, but there is nothing wrong with a light nibble.
Kiss Number 10: The Secret Message Kiss(Spelling out a secret message with the tip of your tongue during a french kiss)
Who has the ability to spell during a french kiss?!
Kiss Number 11: The Vampire Kiss(The cause of hickeys!)
Last time I gave one of these Will needed bandages.
Kiss Number 12: The Wet Kiss(Basically kissing while your lips are wet)
This sounds like a normal kiss but any kisses are welcome kisses~
Kiss Number 13: The Lizard Kiss(Darting your tongue in and out like a lizard)
Creepy!!!!! ...I cant write anything else since the mere thought of being kissed like that makes me both giggle and cringe at the same time.
Kiss Number 14: The Air Kiss(Kissing both of your friend's cheeks as a greeting or to say goodbye)
Dull and not romantic.
Kiss Number 15: The Biting Kiss(After a french kiss you grab your lover's tongue with your teeth just as they are about to pull away)
Hm such tantalizing little nibbles. It makes me almost cry out every time.
Kiss Number 16: The Angel Kiss(Kissing someone on their eyelids)
There is nothing better to wake up to. It makes you feel so warm and cuddly inside. I have caught Will doing this once and he has denied doing it ever since.
Kiss Number 17: The Neck Kiss(Kissing someone's neck normally without biting or sucking)
I just hope this kiss leads to kiss number 11, but if not it still gives you such wonderful goosebumps.
Kiss Number 18: The Jawline Kiss(Kissing along your lover's jaw)
A little tip from me, kiss your way to your partner's ear and then bite their earlobe, gently of course~
Kiss Number 19:The Breath Kiss(Breathe into each other's mouths like you're giving playful CPR)
Why?!?! That is almost as weird as the lizard kiss!
Kiss Number 20: The LOVE KissThe love kiss is a special kind of kiss. It looks like a normal kiss but your eyes meet, your heart starts to race and when your lips join you get a wonderful swirl of butterflies in your stomach. Everything around you seems to melt away into the distance and your head is full of nothing but loving thoughts.