I am so easily distracted lately I just cant help myself. In between decorating, work, shopping and Will~ I have had very little time to stop and write everything down for my beautiful audience. Also it is only two days until my anniversary with William! He isn't overly enthusiastic about it but none the less I have been picking out my lingerie and planning a few surprises for him. Sadly I cant post my ideas on here because he reads blog and I don't want to ruin the surprise. It is also why I cant write down what I got any of my fellow reapers for Christmas. They're all so nosey! ...Even though I haven't bought everyone presents yet.
Dispatch now has a tree! It took a bit of work on my part but Will let us keep it up. Willy cant stay mad at me when I'm dressed as Mrs Claus while putting up decorations. There is always something about a short skirt that makes me immune to lecturing.
Hopefully I'll keep my eye pleasing, lady like figure over Christmas. All this cold weather has had me filling myself up with hot chocolate. And if I must say so myself I make magnificent hot chocolate. I may be a terrible cook, but when it comes to chocolate filled moments of self indulgence I am a domestic goddess~ Luckily me and Will's heating is working again so we're back to being toasty warm, which is both a blessing and a curse.
Ronald keeps playing this in the office so I think I should share since I feel festive~
William likes short skirts? o_o