I dropped my death scythe yesterday and cut my arm. Its nothing serious, it wasn't turned on and it just stings a lot, hence my writing it down here, I think it deserves a mention since it hurts when I type. Will wont kiss it better because he it was caused by my own stupidity. I also have a large love bite on my shoulder but that is Will's fault and a completely different situation.
I apologise if there are any typos in this I am writing this with my glasses off. I'm horribly nearsighted but I'm tired and my glasses bother my eyes when I'm sleepy.
Since I spent yesterday in the thralls of romance with my sexy supervisor~ I have spent today looking up ideas for things to do with my reacquainted lover. Sadly most of the ideas I find I cant do because Willy is fussy and doesn't see the point in such romantic gestures. A perfect example of this is candles. He hates candle light and just sees it as a pretty fire hazard, especially when exposed flesh is involved. I don't see the problem, candles are pretty and romantic, and that one time I set myself on fire involved clothes. There shouldn't be a problem if clothing was removed before lighting them.
Oh also I tried to trim Will's hair today because he was getting long and it didn't go to well. I had to take him to the barbers to get it fixed. It is back to normal now, a little shorter than usual but back to normal.
...I put my glasses back on to spell check this.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Friday, 23 September 2011
Bed Time Blog

I am a tired maiden this evening and I adore my beauty sleep so this shall be just a little quickie~ before going to bed. I'm simply overjoyed to be back home and no longer fighting with my~man~ and Awha~! His new blog entry gave me love palpitations~! I shall have to drown him in kisses when he stops being embarrassed.
This weekend we are both off work so we are sending our time officially making~up~ Hm I must remember to leave love bites all over my handsome man as a souvenir when he returns to dispatch on Monday. I don't care if he hates them I just like to leave a little reminder of me for when I'm not around. ...and a little love nip from yours truly can take days to go away.
One of you asked if you could use the little tip I gave on how to get a man back, which I have no problem with. Maybe I will write you a list of my little man returning tricks once I regain my ability to walk and think straight after this weekend. I just hope he doesn't break me~
Thursday, 22 September 2011
My Penguin.

Oh it has been an eventful week. Me and Will have been going through a bit of a rough patch lately, hence my lack of updates. ...and by "rough patch" I mean we kinda split up.
After a few weeks of bickering and arguments Will decided to end our romance and go our separate ways. I temporarily moved out and had to sleep in my office since I didn't want to live with a moody William. Things were that bad I ended up eating lunch with bratty Ronald every day and having to listen to his pep talks about there being more fish in the sea. I don't want other fish, Will is my fish...actually he's penguin because they stay together for life, but any way back to my week and enough about penguins.
So of course I'm not the kind of maiden who sits around and cries after being dumped...ok I did that for two days and ate three tubs of ice cream before I came up with a plan to get my man back.
I knew Will would call me over to his place so I could pick up my stuff so when that day came I set out to look fabulous. The trick with men after a break up is not to look too upset about loosing them the next time you see them. It gets under their skin and looking delicious while doing so just shakes them up a little more. I even wore something special under my outfit, just in case our reconciliation got...heated~
So yeah my plan worked, we got to talking and lets just say I'm back to living with Will and that sexy little number I had under my dress just~in~case~ ...it got a lot of use.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Will~ Yell At Ronald~

I'm working right now and I know Will reads this so I just want to let him know that Ronald ordered Chinese food to the office again and needs to be told off.
...and no I am not telling on him simply because he wouldn't give me share, even though it was my phone he used to order it. I don't eat Chinese food so Will cant yell at me. A maiden has to watch her figure after all if she wishes to remain beautiful~
So after my little petty blog yesterday me and Will are back to normal. We went though the usual fighting routine, I yell at him, he stares at me, I start to cry, he gives me a hug, and then everything is fixed.
One of you asked me for "coming out" advice when it comes to school and all I have to say is that I don't see how it would be your school's business. My choice of action would be to come out to your parents first, then if the school does find out and phone home to complain your parents can yell at them, but that is just me.
Oh and if anyone was wondering my surprise last weekend was a party. It was quiet though, I think Will needs a bit more party planning practice but its the thought that counts.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Le Sigh~
I'm writing this because Will is being a boring workaholic again! His day as consisted of sleeping and doing work at home for twelve hours. I wasn't even allowed to make any noise or bother him. I have needs! ..True he dealt with those between his nap and work, but still..I like to cuddle after!
By the way I'm mainly writing this because he's expecting me to go to bed now but I'm making him wait. If I spend all day waiting for his attention he can wait 20 minutes for mine!
Well isnt this is stroppy pointless blog...ah well I'll post it any way and write something more substantial and less petty tomorrow.
By the way I'm mainly writing this because he's expecting me to go to bed now but I'm making him wait. If I spend all day waiting for his attention he can wait 20 minutes for mine!
Well isnt this is stroppy pointless blog...ah well I'll post it any way and write something more substantial and less petty tomorrow.
Friday, 9 September 2011
A Blog From the Birthday Girl

I just want to say that I am sick of eating cake. I had two birthday cakes yesterday and I cant handle any more. I might just let Ronald and the others finish off the cake the reapers at work bought me.
Sadly I have only received presents from Ronald and William so far. Ronnie treated me to jewelry as usual, the same present genre he buys all the girls in the office.
Will on the other hand bought me a rather large pile of books I wanted. Leave it to Will to buy me something practical. At least I like the books, its a lot better than the time he bought me chainsaw oil for my birthday.
The only downside to my birthday was that I had a three hour long assignment in the middle of the day, which limited my plans to grabbing Will and escaping work for some alone~time~. The best part of it being my birthday is that he cant complain about it. I would happily exchange all my presents for a tall, dark and sexy supervisor all wrapped up in only a red ribbon and left on my bed.
I am yet to find out what my "surprise" is yet. I've heard whispers about something planned this weekend but I don't know what it is yet. Maybe Will is going to throw me a party! ...I doubt it, it is Will after all...and if it was a romantic weekend away other people wouldn't know about it. Hm I will have to continue my snooping.
Oh and thank you to the many of you who sent me birthday messages. It took me quite a while to read through them all. Awha~! I Love you all so Much!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
I've Been Naughty

I was supposed to update this a few days ago but if any of you read Will's blog you would know I've been a little busy stuck in my office doing overtime and not the fun kind of overtime, the bad kind, with actual work. Before any of you start asking, I didn't do anything wrong, this time, I just drew the short straw and had to do some office work for a change.
Oh and all that stuff Will posted about not missing and enjoying his peace and quiet while I was gone was such rubbish. He missed me. If he didn't he wouldn't have made me all my dinners for the last two days & delivered them to my office. I wonder why he left that bit out of his blog...
Ok I have a teeny tiny confession to make...I wasn't exactly honest about my date of birth on twitter when I was asked...I usually lie about my birthday because I don't like people knowing my age and I have a different date on my fake human ID. Sorry~ I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for Ronald and Will posting "Happy Birthday" to me everywhere online. So...its my birthday today. I was going to mention this yesterday but I stayed up all night doing work so now it's today. So Happy Birthday to Me! Sadly I have to work today but Will is letting me get off early because he has a "surprise", so I'm excited! I wonder what Ronald got me! ...Oh now I cant wait to see everyone. I'm getting presents!
Again sorry for the little white lie about my birthday to any one I told it too. And if any of you want to know my age all I will tell you is 200+.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Snacks Please.
I am just going to write a quick update before I catch up on some beauty sleep and snuggle up with my favourite fellow reaper.
I was off work today so I spent most of the afternoon watching horror movies and complaining to Will about the lack of popcorn in the house. How hard is it to remember to buy popcorn? He says because he doesn't eat it I should get it myself. Its not my fault he controls our shopping list.
We've been bickering more than usual today. Will's has been putting in a little extra overtime lately and all that time spent sitting at his desk as made his neck sore, which in turn makes my man a little cranky. But it does give me an excuse to open the bottle of massage oil and lend him a hand~ I have such talented fingers when it comes to working out stiff muscles~
Oh and before I go I want to thank everyone for tolerating my little rant yesterday and being so supportive. I love you all to DEATH.
I was off work today so I spent most of the afternoon watching horror movies and complaining to Will about the lack of popcorn in the house. How hard is it to remember to buy popcorn? He says because he doesn't eat it I should get it myself. Its not my fault he controls our shopping list.
We've been bickering more than usual today. Will's has been putting in a little extra overtime lately and all that time spent sitting at his desk as made his neck sore, which in turn makes my man a little cranky. But it does give me an excuse to open the bottle of massage oil and lend him a hand~ I have such talented fingers when it comes to working out stiff muscles~
Oh and before I go I want to thank everyone for tolerating my little rant yesterday and being so supportive. I love you all to DEATH.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Serious Blog

This is a bit of a rant today, I apologise in advance, but I need to voice this.
My topic of the day is...Homophobia~
A few recent events involving two of the interns has led me to this rant and I dedicate it to them.
Attention close minded humans, fellow reapers and horrible parents of gay interns who like to throw their children out, I don't care. I don't care if you yell things at me, throw bottles at my head, spit at me or stick disgusting chewing gum in my hair (Sadly all of the above has happened to me at least once) I WILL kiss, cuddle and hold hands with my partner in public, even if I am dressed as a man. You twenty first century morons have nothing on what I had to put up with a few hundred years ago.
Now~ a message for everyone else now that I'm done venting.
I'm sorry for my little tirade but just so you know, what ever you are, no one should discriminate against love and if people cant accept you for who you are they aren't worth your time because they cant handle the real you. Surround yourself with people who do want to know YOU and accept you for who you are.
And if you do have a similar problem I promise it gets better. I am DEADLY serious about that.
I'm just going to end this with: I'm Grell Sutcliff and I'm a bisexual transsexual and who doesn't like it can have an intimate word with my death scythe.
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