Oh it has been an eventful week. Me and Will have been going through a bit of a rough patch lately, hence my lack of updates. ...and by "rough patch" I mean we kinda split up.
After a few weeks of bickering and arguments Will decided to end our romance and go our separate ways. I temporarily moved out and had to sleep in my office since I didn't want to live with a moody William. Things were that bad I ended up eating lunch with bratty Ronald every day and having to listen to his pep talks about there being more fish in the sea. I don't want other fish, Will is my fish...actually he's penguin because they stay together for life, but any way back to my week and enough about penguins.
So of course I'm not the kind of maiden who sits around and cries after being dumped...ok I did that for two days and ate three tubs of ice cream before I came up with a plan to get my man back.
I knew Will would call me over to his place so I could pick up my stuff so when that day came I set out to look fabulous. The trick with men after a break up is not to look too upset about loosing them the next time you see them. It gets under their skin and looking delicious while doing so just shakes them up a little more. I even wore something special under my outfit, just in case our reconciliation got...heated~
So yeah my plan worked, we got to talking and lets just say I'm back to living with Will and that sexy little number I had under my dress just~in~case~ ...it got a lot of use.
Oh I'm so glad you and Will were able to work the problem out!! I'm getting a kick out of your men trick. May I have it? I'm going to save it in my notes to remember and I may spread it around to my blog and YouTube. Ok? But, of course, I'll give you the credit!!