Sunday 25 September 2011

Love Hurts~

I dropped my death scythe yesterday and cut my arm. Its nothing serious, it wasn't turned on and it just stings a lot, hence my writing it down here, I think it deserves a mention since it hurts when I type. Will wont kiss it better because he it was caused by my own stupidity. I also have a large love bite on my shoulder but that is Will's fault and a completely different situation.

I apologise if there are any typos in this I am writing this with my glasses off. I'm horribly nearsighted but I'm tired and my glasses bother my eyes when I'm sleepy.

Since I spent yesterday in the thralls of romance with my sexy supervisor~ I have spent today looking up ideas for things to do with my reacquainted lover. Sadly most of the ideas I find I cant do because Willy is fussy and doesn't see the point in such romantic gestures. A perfect example of this is candles. He hates candle light and just sees it as a pretty fire hazard, especially when exposed flesh is involved. I don't see the problem, candles are pretty and romantic, and that one time I set myself on fire involved clothes. There shouldn't be a problem if clothing was removed before lighting them.

Oh also I tried to trim Will's hair today because he was getting long and it didn't go to well. I had to take him to the barbers to get it fixed. It is back to normal now, a little shorter than usual but back to normal.

...I put my glasses back on to spell check this.

1 comment:

  1. Aw I'm sure Will looks so cute!! Ow, do be more careful next time-I'm glad ur okay!! Be happy because it could've been worse-you could have cut a body part off! I feel better knowing that the chainsaw was turned off.

    As for things to do with Will, how about a picnic? You may be able to go to London and buy some candles with fake flames (the candle bulbs light up-hopefully Will will feel better about it)
    I don't mind candles, but I agree with Will on the possible fire hazard thing. If you do decide to use real ones, make sure to watch where your body and the flame is!!

    Will does NOT want the apartment burned down.
