Thursday 15 September 2011

Will~ Yell At Ronald~

I'm working right now and I know Will reads this so I just want to let him know that Ronald ordered Chinese food to the office again and needs to be told off.
...and no I am not telling on him simply because he wouldn't give me share, even though it was my phone he used to order it. I don't eat Chinese food so Will cant yell at me. A maiden has to watch her figure after all if she wishes to remain beautiful~

So after my little petty blog yesterday me and Will are back to normal. We went though the usual fighting routine, I yell at him, he stares at me, I start to cry, he gives me a hug, and then everything is fixed.

One of you asked me for "coming out" advice when it comes to school and all I have to say is that I don't see how it would be your school's business. My choice of action would be to come out to your parents first, then if the school does find out and phone home to complain your parents can yell at them, but that is just me.

Oh and if anyone was wondering my surprise last weekend was a party. It was quiet though, I think Will needs a bit more party planning practice but its the thought that counts.


  1. Aww! Party! Hope you had a great time!
    I love how you just casually ask Will to yell at Ronald, as if it's an everyday thing. Actually knowing you, it probably is.
    Love you xxx

  2. Yay I love parties! I'm trying to plan a surprise one for one of my friends. Hope it works out *crosses fingers* I think I'm like Will when it comes to party planning.

    Don't stir up too much trouble with Will and ROnnie :p just don't give him your phone XD

  3. Bad Ronnie!! Is he not supposed to be ordering Chinese?

  4. Grell,
    Thanks for your advice, but my parents are extremely intolerant. Being only 14, I would have nowhere to live if/ when I get kicked out.
    In any other situation, telling them would be good, but in my situation, it's probably a bad idea.
