Monday 21 November 2011

5am Venting.

I know I said I didn't want to write a blog on this topic but its pretty late, I cant sleep and I need to vent somewhere.

I've been feeling a little on the broody side lately and it is driving me around the bend. I want babies, or at least one baby. I've spent several nights this week laying awake imagining little child filled scenarios and wondering who they would look like, me or Will. It is perfectly normal for any maiden to wish to have her man's babies but alas I'm cursed and with every anniversary that passes I am going to get increasingly annoyed with biology. I want a family and one that is Both mine and Will's and if I cant have his babies properly I'm not doing it any other way.

I want the same thing for Christmas that I want every year...A family Christmas.

...I'll write a proper blog about my day tomorrow. I just needed to rant before going back to bed and trying to curl up next to Will again. Sorry for being depressing...again.

1 comment:

  1. Grell~~ Please, don't be sad...
    Why don't you try to talk about it with William?
