I have defeated my baby depression! Well...William did by fulfilling my usual prescription for cuddles and trying to convince me that I don't need babies to be happy. It never works but it makes me happy to see him try. He thinks its better to spend a few minutes trying to cheer me up than to listen to me whine for hours...and if cheering me up doesn't work he usually buys me something pretty. In this case I got a new office chair. What can I say, Will isn't the best at picking pretty presents.
I spent my afternoon reaping with Ronald, even though it was only one death and I forced him into joining me in a little bit of retail therapy afterward. A lady needs a strapping man to carry her shopping bags for her~ ...Sadly there wasn't a strapping, handsome man around so I had to settle for Ronald. Sadly he always makes me buy him something to eat as a reward for bag carrying. He claims he's "still growing" and I just think he's a glutton. How did I get stuck with such a brat for a partner?
And before any one asks (even though a few of you have already on other sites) I haven't started my Christmas preparations yet. I know I was really excited about Christmas a while ago but I am still planning. It takes a lot of work to sneak a tree past William and put it up in dispatch without him noticing. Its usually a team effort but I'm always the little Christmas fairy that keeps everything organised, mainly because I'm the only one who can sometimes talk Will into not giving us all overtime. Its just a case of using my ~feminine~ charms.
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