So today is SEBBY SUNDAY! The day I release 3 images from my giant Sebastian collection. So enjoy! (As always I don't own any images or Sebastian (I WISH!) I just keep this images for "stalking" purposes)

Well I think that will be all for today. I'll have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow. Also I am still trying to think of ways I can re-Grell-ize William's bedroom since he moved all my stuff around and made it "organised".
Love you all~
Oh and for any girls who care, Ronald Knox just walked in and out of my office in his shirt and underwear muttering something about having misplaced his trousers during an office party last night. I guess he just woke up by the state of his hair.
female sebastion is what i am i just like to say im his siter because i think that wold be so cool. oh and the you in my world is smoking hot by the way