I thought I would use a picture of me when I was young and beautiful...Oh wait I am still beautiful, never mind...on with the blog~
Well I'm back from our little mission in one piece. Well except for Ronald who ran into his ex-girlfriend on our way back to dispatch and ended up having a bit of a lovers tiff in front of everyone. That was messier to watch than the actual blood and gore we just witnessed. Give me dead bodies any day but a yelling, angry girl, no thank you.
To be honest we have been back for the last three days, it’s just that jobs that require us to work several days and nights in a row usually tires us out a little. Also there was no where for us to sleep on this job so at one point I had to sleep on the floor. I am a lady! Floorboards and a blanket are not suitable bedding materials for my delicate anatomy!
So since getting back I have done nothing but sleep, eat and watch movies while curled up in my pyjamas. I'm not the only one though, even William has been staying at home because he worries that being tired would affect his work performance. Sadly being stuck at home together has led to a few "debates", like his complaining about me watching the movie Ghost three times. I WANT A POTTERY WHEEL!
Oh a little tip I worked out during my lounging around the house, when making hot chocolate add a great big table spoon of golden syrup into it. It makes it taste like chocolate fudge. (And makes Will pull a weird face for ignoring the instructions on the back of the chocolate packet)