Well today was interesting...and for once none of the chaos was my fault.
Firstly I didn't have to go to work this morning because I was working a night shift. (Yes a genuine reason for me to blog at 5am) Sadly I didn't get to enjoy the wonderful sleep in I had planned because William dragged me out of bed to go to a meeting with him in the Human Resources Department. I think he secretly wanted me to keep him company. Will would never admit it but I know that was the real reason he dragged me out of bed to go to a meeting I wasn't allowed in to. I spent most of it sitting outside the door wondering why the HR department smelt like carrot today and why is it called "Human" Resources if we are death gods.
I guess they are two questions I will never know the answer too.
My actual work day started with a bang though. I walked into the office and found out that Eric and Ronald were in a fist fight in the middle of the general affairs department. From what I heard, of course me being extremely nosey and curious of the reason why my subordinates were having a testosterone filled brawl, Eric upset one of the girls in General Affairs and she went crying to Ronald. Ronald, being the charming white knight to anything in a skirt, had words with Eric and this lead to pushing, which lead to punching, which lead to a rather violent scrap in front of everyone at the office. Ronald won and both of them were very lucky that Will wasn't around to see it, though the news will probably have reached him by the morning.
Ah Ronnie~ you make me so proud~
They're lucky they didn't get in trouble but that was sweet of Ronnie~ I'll admit that those boneheaded displays of macho bravado do get to me sometime~