In all the years I've known Ronnie I must say this is the first time I've stayed in his house all night. Firstly he has way too many boy toys. There was a giant plasma screen in the room me and Will were sharing as well as one in the living room. I also discovered I am better than Will at video games. I want a PlayStation now. (Everyone at Dispatch you now know what to get me for my birthday.)
Well I remember MOST of the night. I remember everything up until the third round of shots and then I remember waking up wrapped in a blanket on Ronald's couch an hour or two later. I asked Undertaker (Who I invited to give him a change from dealing with dead people) and according to him Will wrapped me up when got a little drunk and I fell asleep. That's sweet but it still doesn't explain where I got the sparkly pink crown from.
You know it has been a rough night when Will has lost his glasses and I have to lead him around the house by the hand to help him find them. Ronald was asking his party guests about dogs that don't exist and then I spent the wee hours of the morning get insightful life advice from an intoxicated Undertaker. It was a busy night.
Well I must be going I have to go get dressed and teach interns today for nine hours. I don't want to go as Will wont be helping me this time and I hate working with such second rate brats. I only signed up for this to work with Will and now we've had to split up the work. I've also been warned that I have to look "professional". What is that? Flat shoes and a pony tail? I'm stumped.
That's some party, Grell, I must say.