Today has been one of those days were I want to throw William's organiser and mobile phone out the highest window I could possibly find.
It was a pretty normal morning until I decided to meet Will for lunch in town. Usually when we meet up for our little lunch dates he is impeccably on time, but today he left me waiting, for an hour, in the rain! I would be thankful that I had my little red i-pod to keep me company but the shuffle on that seemed to be stuck on a constant loop of depressing, heartbreak songs which made my long wait even more depressing.
It turned out that Will had lost track of time while at a meeting and I then sulked at him until dinner time.
But the work related annoyances didn't stop there. His phone hasn't stopped ringing and its currently 4am and he is still doing paperwork. I want to go to bed and all my parading around in my little nightdress is doing nothing to get his attention. Maybe I'll try one more time before I give up and turn off his office lights on him.
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