After my little loved up post last time I think it is time I updated you all on the usual day to day stuff as I haven't really been keeping my beloved audience up to date with my fabulous life.
Firstly I have came to the conclusion that reapers should have summer holidays. I come to that conclusion every year but I really want one. I could just see me now~ lounging on the beach in a cute little swim suit and my heart shaped sunglasses perched on my nose as I sunbathe. The problem with that is that I'm stuck in England, with cold sea water, rain and a partner who doesn't like the beach, holidays or wearing a bathing suit, such a shame really since he's such a stud.
Its not that I don't have any holiday time saved up its just that I don't want to have to go by myself and dragging Will along is out of the question as he doesn't like taking time off work. I have a theory he thinks dispatch would burn down if he wasn't in it. I'm pretty sure he has a decade or two's worth of holiday time saved up by now,what exactly he is saving it for I have no idea.
But yes...Please Will Someone Send Me on Holiday! ...preferably somewhere warm where I can work on a tan. Its near impossible to get one here.
Speaking of William, he got both of us lost in the middle of nowhere the other day while working. We don't always work together in the field (sadly in this case that term "Field" is literal) but when we do we spend quite a lot of our time bickering over work, the reason for that being this time was that he blamed me for getting us lost, even though he was the one who took us there in the first place AND was the one who checked the location of the expected deaths before we left. He still claims it was my fault, but its not my fault he didn't read the list properly. Bah men and their stupid inability to ask for directions!
As always thank you to my darling commenters~: Amamizu, Nina, Lieutenant Ki, "A fan" and Kirea
Np, and you should go to Topsail beach in NC its greatttt~
ReplyDeleteYou should secretly carry a map in your coat. I can also imagine you and Will in the ocean trying to make each other go underwater LOL!!
ReplyDeleteDear Grell,
ReplyDeleteI agree that reapers should have summer holidays! But then no one would die in summer...or maybe Undertaker might have to volunteer to use his time-stopping bookmark first, then, all reapers may have all the time they want to travel to warm, cozy, tanning beaches. Although personally I recommend you keep your porcelain-skin white. We wouldn't want a skin that doesn't glow in heaps of reds now, would we? ;)
Maybe next time ask the HR division to develop a GPA for the lists' locations. come on, reapers' technologies are ahead of those in the human world, right?
By the way, you're having a day off, aren't you?
Please do not expect to get by without telling us what you did in your day off. *evil grin*
Yours truly,
A fan