I do hope that Grell realises that I hate it when he makes me write these stupid things. I also hate having to use this vulgar, red, sticker covered laptop to do anything other than use it as a doorstop. Sadly my own computer is broken and Grell wouldn't let me check my work email on his until I wrote something for his stupid blog.
By the way remind me to never go through the images on Grell's computer or his search history again. Its'...disturbing.
I couldn't help but notice on my last posting that a lot of you have opinions on me admitting my feelings for Grell publicly on this waste of space website. That isn't going to happen. How I feel about my "companion" is no body's business but my own. True living with a certain red head does have its good moments but I'd rather not discuss them unless I really had too.
So to summarize: My feelings relating to Mister Sutcliff are none of your business.
Now before I finish writing this piece of rubbish (Which I am sure no one will bother reading because they have more productive things to do) I have a few points to address as Grell usually writes about our everyday lives.
Ronald Knox arrived to work this morning with blue hair, according to him he woke up this morning with no memory of how it turned such a grotesque colour. I suspect alcohol was involved and I will be punishing him for breaking uniform regulations.
Grell Sutcliff set my oven on fire this morning trying to make cheese on toast. I am thinking of Grell-proofing my kitchen sometime soon.
William T. Spears
Now I can check my work email in peace.
I'd like to mention, My hair is now Red.