I've been saving this news up all day so I can rant about it in one place in detail.
I'm going away in a week! I know I whined about wanting a holiday, and sadly this isn't a holiday it is work related but I have been given the best job in all of reaping history! ...Ok maybe its not that good but I'm happy none the less.
Never mind the picture this is probably the closest thing I'll get to a holiday all year and I wanted an excuse to use that picture.
You probably all read yesterday that I had a little meeting to go to. Well I went, of course, and I was told that I have a little mission to go on. By little I mean its three days long and involves conferences and doctors and I have to judge whether some quack of a human doctor's new medicine would change the world or not because he is supposed to kick the bucket quite shortly.
Lucky for little old me the hotel he is supposed to be spending his last three days in is luxurious and extravagant...and my entire mission is being funded by dispatch! AND to make everything even better, because it is such a difficult life to judge they are teaming me up with William. Its like I've died and gone to heaven! Room service! A massive hotel suite! And my handsome man! True he will be nagging me to do work but I couldn't care less!
And I think I am going to stop ranting about this now because I could go on about it for a while. I got that excited I fainted when the HR department told us about it. But yes I leave next Friday in case any one is wondering where I vanished off too.
Comment Section
Thank you to: A Fan, Kirea, Lieutenant Ki, Anonymous (I cant thank you if you don't leave a name) and Anonymous Grellette for your wonderful comments.
Answering Points Raised in Comments:
Yes grim reaper technology is a little more ahead of you humans technology. The Internet was very dull until you lot started flooding it with things.
I think someone found that trainee I lost in the shinigami library. I never really thought to check.
And thank you for all the well wishes on my 100th post. I love you all to DEATH and I probably would have got bored of writing this ages ago if it wasn't for my readers.