What does each of you look like you when asleep?
Grell: He looks so sweet! His hair goes all messy and he occasionally does this cute little eyebrow twitch.
William: Well that is a creepy and improper question.
What do you like about each other?
Grell: Everything! His hair, his cold, goose bump inducing eyes, how his eyebrow twitches when he is annoyed, his butt (had to be said), his toned athletic arms, how he brings me a flask of soup when I'm working out in the cold at night, how he kisses me, his smile (it exists), how he makes my strawberry tea with just the right amount of honey, his cuddles and how he lets me use him as a pillow when I'm sleeping/watching TV/sick/sad. Oh and how he punishes me when I'm naughty~ Oh! I'm getting tingled all over at just the thought. I love him to DEATH☆
William: Cant I go back to listing annoying things about him? I have thought of a few new irritations since last time, but if you all insist on pressing me for an answer I would say he's attractive. I like his hair and hips and that is all I am going to answer on the matter.
Do you play any musical instruments and what do you think of music in general?
Grell: I cant play anything. Does being able to sing count? But I LOVE music. I'll listen to anything, but most of the time I listen to musical soundtracks, opera and classical.
William: I used to play a bit of piano until work got in the way. I prefer softer classical music, unlike some of the loud, cheesy rubbish that a certain red headed idiot blasts throughout my house.
How have you managed keep a long lasting relationship between each other ?
Grell: Never going to bed angry, giving each other lots of ~loving~, never holding a grudge and always making sure that Will is well fed/rested/warm...he gets grumpy when he's hungry/tired/cold. Also he's my red string, my soul mate, my prince charming! We're destined to be together forever!
William: I would say that it is because we complete each other in a way. He is lazy, flirtatious and always smiling, quite the opposite from myself. Also patience and earplugs go a long way.
Has either of you ever been in a relationship before?
Grell: Oh dear this in a awkward one. Will and I have a little bit of a habit of temporarily splitting up so yes I've had other relationships. But a lady doesn't kiss and tell~
William: No comment.
We still have a few more questions to answer so there will be more question and answer sessions. Feel free to ask us more questions as always.
Do you guys have passtimes or hobbies that you do either alone or together?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think about having kids? (I'm assuming you can adopt in the shinigami world or... however it is that it works)
To William: Why did you cut the Grell flowers?
ReplyDeleteTo Grell: What did you think about William cutting the Grell flowers?