Do the both of you have plushies of each other?
Grell: YES! They're so cute! I make them kiss!
William: All such stupid items in our house belong to Grell. I do not need nor want a plushie!
How was William in hi school and did you already love him then?
Grell: He was just as handsome. He was my prince charming! It was love at first SIGHT!
William: ...No comment
If you could take each other anywhere in the world for a romantic date, where and why?
Grell: Anywhere! Everywhere! Anywhere~ with a hotel~room~
William: Italy, I have always been interested in going sight seeing there. I guess Grell could come if he wanted too.
What is the most annoying thing about the other one?
Grell: He can be uptight, jealous and a bit of a nag.
William: Where do I start? He's whiny, lazy and clingy. He borrows my shirts and gets blood stains on them. He falls asleep on my arm and it goes numb. He keeps touching my hair. He filled my fridge with diet yogurt. He doesn't understand the word "unprofessional". He borrows my glasses when he can't find his own. He steals the covers and keeps me up all night with his incessant talking and cuddling. Oh and he keeps making me write things for his stupid blog.
What do you think of all the fanfic/art of you two? (ie willxsebby, grellxsebby, undiexwill etc)
Grell: I save tons of fanart of myself and I'm a little addicted to fanfic's of Sebby and I. Hm~ Just thinking about it makes me shudder!! So many handsome men for me to play with in fan literature!
William:I don't read fanfiction and I don't care for fanart, but I have heard about them. I would NEVER do such things with a vile, disgusting, soul stealing creature!
We will, somewhat, happily do another one of these if we get any more questions so feel free to ask any more.
you know, when you mentioned that Will bought you that under ware for valentine's and the that uke shirt and now you say hes jealous. So how jealous is he? any interesting stories? has he ever gone overboard or totally possessive? (though i think that under ware speaks for itself)
ReplyDeleteP.S. All that lead to~~~ does that mean you get hit on a lot for him to get so jealous?