Monday 7 March 2011

An Apology (aka Grell's punishment enforced by William T Spears)

Dear Staff Members of the Shinigami Dispatch Society London Branch

I am writing this blog in order to apologise for my behaviour at the office party last weekend. In my defense I have never drank vodka before and I am pretty sure that Ronald kept topping my glass up when I was not looking.

I apologise for spanking, clinging on too or kissing any members of staff. Especially Ronald Knox who I remember groping while singing "Man! I Feel Like a Woman".

I am also sorry for taking my shirt off after my 4th martini, and for forcing everyone to look up Sebby on the website Rule 34.

Grell Sutcliff


  1. thisss is soooooooo boring............. *dies of bordness........ grell is a loser.....

    from anonymous

    1. What?! How can you think that? Oh well, haters gonna hate.
