Wednesday 16 March 2011

No One Puts Grelly in the Corner

I'm going to start this off with a bit of a rant because there is a few things I want to clear up with my fellow shinigami:

1) I DON'T whiten my teeth.

2) My teeth are REAL. They are not dentures Eric!

3) I DON'T have a tongue ring and asking me to stick my tongue out to prove it was unnecessary.

4) I'm NOT ginger! (not that there is anything wrong with being ginger. I just hate when people get my hair colour wrong)

Some of the rumors about me in this office are unbelievable! I guess I cant blame them for having fantasies about me and making up little stories.

Ok now those points are cleared up and off my chest, On with the blog!

Operation "Keep William" officially started today and I've discovered that begging and hugging his waist wont work and makes him make me sit in the corner of his office for most of the work day and confiscate my phone. Apparently if I'm going to act like a child he is going to punish me like one. So I shall have to come up with a plan B for tomorrow.

I got another request from HAPPYWISE asking about clothing and my wardrobe. So here's some random points about my wardrobe:

- I own four corsets. (One steel boned)

- I don't cross dress all the time. I wear jeans and shirts sometimes just like every other "guy".

-I have 12 dresses, which I wear on special occasions. I do own other items of women's fashion that I do occasionally wear outside of work.

- I own WAY too much lingerie.

- I've lost count of how many pairs of sunglasses I own.

- I have red legwarmers which other shinigami find hilarious but they keep my ankles warm so I don't care.

I just remembered that I have important work to do for tomorrow so I shall see you all later my Grellettes~

Buh Bye~



  1. Four corsets, twelve dresses and too much lingerie?
    You lucky girl.
    Nina xx

  2. I love your wardrobe's collection LOL
    Corsets, Dresses and Lingeries~ what an awesome lady Grelle *Q*

    Thankyou for sharing *hugs*

  3. Ah~ Corsets, Dresses and Lingerie <3 <3 <3 Legwarmers are adorable.

    Good luck with plan B!!

  4. my grell like to be a guy so i love to see that it is the same here as for you
