Well I had a rough start this morning. First of all I didn't get any sleep last night because I was so busy getting everything sorted for my first day as acting supervisor. I'm exhausted! But I'll be fine, don't start worrying about little old me. So once I got all of the work sorted for today I snuggled up in bed to savor the last few moments of peace before I had to get ready for work. It was then that my phone started ringing...continuously. Ronald Knox had managed to get himself LOST while on the job so he was both late for a collection and lost somewhere in London. Not to mention that the bus Eric was scheduled to be on for a collection broke down and he was also late. I was forced to leave my pretty bed to go deal with their problems. Everything was easily sorted, so once that was dealt with I could sit back in Will's office and finish off my work. I even managed to hand everything in before the 11am deadline and organise the classes for the new trainees.
I am ACTUALLY getting the hang of this boss thing!
So I'm trying to keep myself occupied so I don't get too miserable with Will being gone. So I ordered Ronald to clean my entire office as punishment for being both late and hungover this morning. He's no Sebby but Ronald is one hell of a floor cleaner. It was so quiet and dead this evening that we even had time to go through some of the old unused drawers in my office and redress my mannequin several times. I found my old pair of glasses from the shinigami academy in one of the drawers. They look horrible on me! But I shall keep them in their little red case just for memories sake. I wonder if Will still has his old pair...
Oh and on the topic of trying not to miss Will, I am organising a girls night in! Sadly I don't know many girls so I'm dragging Undertaker and Ronald to my place this weekend to eat ice cream and watch movies with me. They don't really have a choice in the matter. I'm the boss and I say we're throwing a girly party. Oo I wonder if Alan would be interested in going~
So I'm off to paint my nails.
Love you all~
10 Days until William T Spears returns
You deserve a nice bubbly soak in the tub now ^_^ Aww wish I could come along on the girl's night out. Undertaker and Ronald better behave themselves X3