Ronald and I were having a discussion about differences between working in the 21st century and the 19th century. This was mainly sparked my Eric's new addiction to Black Ops...Seriously! We haven't seen him in nearly 5 days. I wonder if he is still alive...
But any way here is my list of "New" things I love:
Hair Straighteners
My i-pod (red headphones included)
Better make-up (I actually wonder sometimes how I survived without long lasting foundation)
Rights! (yeah I could get all political and stuff here but I wont)
Better clothes
My cute little red laptop that I write my blogs on.
Soap! (Yes we all washed back then but other people smell less now)
All year round strawberries
...Ok I think that is everything, or at least the main things. I will make Ronald write one of these as well, especially since it was his idea in the first place.
Oo maybe I could ask Will what he thinks and stick his list up here, if he'll let me.
By the way I am still on the hunt for my missing CD and plug.
Buh Bye Now~
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