Sunday 13 March 2011

Sebby Sunday! (3)

I haven't done one of these in a while and since I do nothing on Sundays, except beautify myself for work on Monday, I thought I would share some more Sebby images with you and take some time to respond to comments. I'm nice like that~

"Free to a good home: One Ronald Knox?
Me have, please? I'd be able to put up with his pokemon obsession!"

Sorry I'm not allowed to sell Ronald. I'd love too but Will wont let me and if Ronald goes missing any time soon I am going to get blamed on it.

Ronald Knox:

Answer: Way to sell your self short there Ronald. I read that comment out to William so enjoy your overtime~

"Aww maybe you could rent him out occasionally instead of selling him (^_~)"
Answer: Would that not make Knoxy a gigolo?

HappyWise Bunny: "Yay!! Finally I can read your pretty Grellish writings again...Ah my poor Grell. I'm so worry when Will-san had to keep Ur laptop and gave you that dirty punishment, He is so cruel >.< But at least you can see him laughing at you. His laugh is a very rare thing, right? Anyway I really love your sweet red blog and keep stalking on it.Thank you for reading my comment"
Answer: I'm happy to be back and happy to have you as a stalker. Will's punishment wasn't that bad. He has done worse to me before. At least I still have my death scythe. And Will's laugh isn't that rare. He doesn't laugh often but outside of work he actually has a sense of humor.

Sorry if that was a little dull but I love giving some time to my adoring audience~ ...and Ronald.

Buh Bye Now~


1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your laptop back ^_^ I was away for the weekend so I missed the last entry. I would love to see a pic of Will's smile (I bet that's a hard shot to capture)

    Oh and I wasn't thinking Gigolo (although that isn't too bad of an idea~ *hides*) XD more like Will wouldn't mind him missing work if you were making a profit out of it
